I've been doing experimental work on layouts for the CDK. Not for atoms, exactly, for which the StructureDiagramGenerator is doing a pretty good job - could be better, of course, but what couldn't? No, layout of MoleculeSets, and Reactions. Well actually IMoleculeSets and IReactions. With an ILayout class - my apologies to anyone who doesn't like generics, but it can be quite useful. Anyway, here is an example of what it is looking like at the moment: Hmmm. Well, it is a grid I suppose. The problems with the ring bonds are known to me, please do not mention them >:| The code for this is quite short: IMoleculeSet moleculeSet = makeMolSet(); ILayout<IMoleculeSet> gridLayout = new GridMoleculeSetLayout(3, 3); makeImage(moleculeSet, gridLayout, "three_by_three", 500, 500); where the methods 'makeMolSet' and 'makeImage' do what you might expect (I hope :). Similarly: IMoleculeSet molSet = makeMolSet(); AxisOrientation o = AxisOrientation.PLUS_...