JCP now has minimal lone pair display. I would prefer the layout to be at the corners of a square, rather than on the edges. Videlicet, they are currently only at N, W, S, E; I think that NW, SW, SW, and NE would be better.
Strangely lone pairs don't seem to appear in CML files when written out, but Egon says he will look at this. Perhaps I should file a bug report...
Oh, and radicals are implemented too, but I don't have a picture of that (see right). They are in different generators, but I guess a single 'DotGenerator' could do both :)
Isolated lone pairs should be positioned, like unpaired electrons, close to the atom with which they are associated. They should normally be positioned exactly above, below, to the left, or to the right of the atom label, with the two dots of the lone pair parallel to the closest side (horizontally if above or below the label, vertically if to the left or the right). Positioning of lone pairs at other angles should be strongly avoided unless it is impossible to do otherwise.
To illustrate the latter point, there is an example of ClF3 where two lone pairs are shown to NE and SE of Cl atom.
That looks like a very useful document, thanks.
I had assumed that the lone pair should be drawn where a bond would be. So an COH would have a trigonal planar structure...
This is true that lone pairs are implicit. I was distracted by the fact that the CDK requires there to be an explicit lone pair object attached to an atom.
I guess the situation is a lot like hydrogens, actually.
Kirill, the LPs are there always, sure. However, diagrams are somewhat special, where you might want to put focus on some lone pairs, not all. For example, those involved in a reaction. This is why one would be interested in serializing this to CML.
Regarding the oxygen lone pairs... it actually has two lone pairs, and the diagram chooses to show only one...