After cubane, the thought occurred to look at other regular hydrocarbons. If only there was some sort of classification of chemicals that I could use look up similar structures. Oh wate, there is . Anyway, adamantane is not as regular as cubane, but it is highly symmetrical, looking like three cyclohexanes fused together. The vertices fall into two different types when colored by signature: The carbons with three carbon neighbours (degree-3, in the simple graph) have signature (a) and the degree-2 carbons have signature (b). Atoms of one type are only connected to atoms of another - the graph is bipartite . Adamantane connects together to form diamondoids (or, rather, this class have adamantane as a repeating subunit). One such is diamantane , which is no longer bipartite when colored by signature: It has three classes of vertex in the simple graph (a and b), as the set with degree-3 has been split in two. The tree for signature (c) is not shown. The graph is still bipartite accordin...
2) From the ebi ftp site - I /think/ the ChEBI team meant it to be public, but I will ask them
3) Probably not, they have a good website for this purpose.
4) Maybe, but again, depending on the team.
It is a nice test for bioclipse, but there are other similar tests, in a way.
* Chebi_lite.sdf file contains only the chemical structure, ChEBI identifier and ChEBI Name.
* Chebi_complete.sdf file contains all the chemical structures and associated information.