After cubane, the thought occurred to look at other regular hydrocarbons. If only there was some sort of classification of chemicals that I could use look up similar structures. Oh wate, there is . Anyway, adamantane is not as regular as cubane, but it is highly symmetrical, looking like three cyclohexanes fused together. The vertices fall into two different types when colored by signature: The carbons with three carbon neighbours (degree-3, in the simple graph) have signature (a) and the degree-2 carbons have signature (b). Atoms of one type are only connected to atoms of another - the graph is bipartite . Adamantane connects together to form diamondoids (or, rather, this class have adamantane as a repeating subunit). One such is diamantane , which is no longer bipartite when colored by signature: It has three classes of vertex in the simple graph (a and b), as the set with degree-3 has been split in two. The tree for signature (c) is not shown. The graph is still bipartite accordin...
An Online Research Notebook
1. mouse events happen in Java2D or SWT (or...)
2. needs to be converted into something platform independent
3. gesture events need to be interpreted into editing actions
4. editing actions have to be called
Now, by carefully choosing the editing actions, we can make a scripting language at the same time. Is this important? I think so. This allows people to write simple scripts to add protective groups to molecules, or ...
Step 2 is important to allow creation of editing frameworks for applets and RCP without having to depend on buggy AWT-SWT bridges, which has given many of us very bad headaches.